
€6.45 *
content 200 ml (€32.25 * / 1000 ml)

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Delivery time: 1 - 3 workdays

Packaging unit:

  • SW3685
  Für festliche, goldene Momente. Ein exklusives Getränk aus Weißburgunder... more
Product information "Gold-Spirit"


Für festliche, goldene Momente. Ein exklusives Getränk aus Weißburgunder versektet mit Goldlikör. Das tanzende Gold fasziniert im Glas. Ein „Muss“ für jede Einladung, ein Höhepunkt für jede festliche Gelegenheit. Unser Gold Spirit enthält feinstes Goldmarie Gourmet Blattgold 22 Karat. Für jeden Anlass ein einzigartiges Geschenk.

Alkohol in Vol%: 11,0


§ 12 Jugendschutz

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links to "Gold-Spirit"
Goldmarie® Gold Shaker Flakes Goldmarie® Gold Shaker
Content 0.1 gram (€288.00 * / 1 gram)
From €28.80 *
GOLDMARIE® Essbares Blattgold 23 Karat Goldmarie® Gold Leaf patent
Content 10 leaf (€1.86 * / 1 leaf)
From €18.60 *
Gold Deco-Bottle large Gold Deco-Ball
From €9.95 * €15.95 *
Playmobil Gold Beater Playmobil Gold Beater
€4.30 * €4.99 *
Hautleim in Grießform Skin Glue
€15.83 *
Copper Leaf Copper Leaf
Content 100 leaf
From €22.61 *
Dekospray gold and silver DecoSpray Metaleffect
Content 150 ml (€3.97 * / 100 ml)
€5.95 *
Polishing Cloth Polishing Cloth
Content 10 piece(s)
From €5.95 *
Goldmarie® Square 3 x 3 mm Goldmarie® Square 3 x 3 mm
Content 0.3 gram (€204.83 * / 1 gram)
From €61.45 *
GOLDMARIE® Edible Silver Leaf Goldmarie® Silver Leaf patent
Content 10 leaf (€0.90 * / 1 leaf)
From €8.95 *
Orange Doppelgold 22 Karat Orange Double Deep Gold 22 carat
Content 25 leaf (€2.52 * / 1 leaf)
From €63.00 *
Durol Verdünner Durol Thinning
Content 0.25 litre (€95.20 * / 1 litre)
€23.80 *
Caplain Gold Caplain Gold 23 Carat
Content 25 leaf (€2.45 * / 1 leaf)
From €61.30 *
Gold Leaf 23,75 carat Rosenoble Double Gold extra 23.75 carat
Content 25 leaf (€2.73 * / 1 leaf)
From €68.30 *
Gold Leaf 22,75 carat Finest Polishing Double Gold 22.75 carat
Content 25 leaf (€2.58 * / 1 leaf)
From €64.50 *
Painter Gold Painter Gold
From €47.01 *
Mixtion Lefranc - Oil Based Gold Size Mixtion Lefranc - Oil Based Gold Size
Content 75 ml (€144.40 * / 1000 ml)
From €10.83 *
Steel Wool Steel Wool
From €6.00 *
Universal Firnis RS Universal Varnish RS
Content 200 ml (€98.45 * / 1000 ml)
€19.69 * €19.87 *
GOLDMARIE® Essbares Blattgold 23 Karat Goldmarie® Gold Leaf patent
Content 10 leaf (€1.86 * / 1 leaf)
From €18.60 *
Kölner Archicoll Kölner Archicoll
Content 250 gram (€122.16 * / 1000 gram)
From €30.54 *
Keum-Boo goldfoil for Keum-Boo
Content 1 piece(s)
From €37.65 *
Goldmarie® Square 3 x 3 mm Goldmarie® Square 3 x 3 mm
Content 0.3 gram (€204.83 * / 1 gram)
From €61.45 *
Goldmarie® Gold Nest Goldmarie® Gold Nest
Content 0.3 gram (€204.83 * / 1 gram)
From €61.45 *
Goldmarie® Gold Shaker Flakes Goldmarie® Gold Shaker
Content 0.1 gram (€288.00 * / 1 gram)
From €28.80 *
Kölner Leaf Protect Kölner Leaf Protect
Content 100 ml (€111.10 * / 1000 ml)
From €11.11 *
Kölner Signcoll Kölner Signcoll
Content 100 ml (€174.70 * / 1000 ml)
From €17.47 *
Kölner Miniatum Gel Kölner Miniatum Gel 3D
Content 100 ml (€349.90 * / 1000 ml)
From €34.99 *
Silberflocken Gr.0 Goldmarie® Gold Leaf Flakes
Content 0.3 gram (€33.17 * / 1 gram)
From €9.95 *
Patina Vorschau Patina Nerchau
Content 59 ml (€66.95 * / 1000 ml)
€3.95 *
Blattgold Herzen zum Essen Goldmarie® Hearts 15 mm
Content 215 piece(s) (€333.49 * / 1000 piece(s))
From €71.70 *
Blattgold Herzen zum Essen Goldmarie® Hearts 8 mm
Content 380 piece(s) (€165.39 * / 1000 piece(s))
From €62.85 *
Goldmarie Herzen Blattgold Herzen essbar Goldmarie® Hearts 3,5 mm
Content 0.3 gram (€264.33 * / 1 gram)
From €79.30 *
Magic Leaf Immitation Gold Leaf Magic Leaf Turtle
Content 6 leaf (€0.83 * / 1 leaf)
€4.95 * €6.95 *
Magic Leaf Labyrinth golden Magic Leaf Labyrinth golden
Content 6 leaf (€0.83 * / 1 leaf)
€4.95 * €6.95 *
Antikgold Art Metall Nachkaufpackungen
Content 5 leaf (€0.60 * / 1 leaf)
From €2.98 *
GOLDMARIE® Essbares Blattgold 23 Karat lose Goldmarie® Gold Leaf loose
Content 10 leaf (€1.79 * / 1 leaf)
From €17.90 *
Caplain Gold Caplain Gold 23 Carat
Content 25 leaf (€2.52 * / 1 leaf)
From €63.10 *
Kölner Aqua Size Kölner Aqua Size
Content 50 ml (€76.80 * / 1000 ml)
From €3.84 *
Instacoll HA Kölner Instacoll HA Base
Content 100 ml (€197.50 * / 1000 ml)
From €19.75 *
Kölner Permacoll Patina Kölner Permacoll Patina
Content 100 ml (€121.50 * / 1000 ml)
€12.15 *
Kölner Poliment Kölner Classic Poliment
Content 0.4 kg (€57.38 * / 1 kg)
From €22.95 *
Kölner Instacoll Tissue Kölner Instacoll Tissue
Content 5 piece(s) (€1.60 * / 1 piece(s))
From €7.99 *
Gold Leaf 24 carat Tower Gold "Three Crown Gold" 24 carat
Content 25 leaf (€2.68 * / 1 leaf)
From €67.00 *
Variegated Leaf Red Variegated Leaf Red
Content 25 leaf (€0.43 * / 1 leaf)
€10.75 *
Kölner Instacoll Base Yellow Kölner Instacoll Base
Content 100 ml (€174.70 * / 1000 ml)
From €17.47 *
Oxydmetal Snail Variegated Leaf Red
Content 25 leaf (€0.67 * / 1 leaf)
€16.66 *
Kölner Revisol Kölner Revisol
Content 100 ml (€111.30 * / 1000 ml)
From €11.13 *
Oxidmetall Schwarz Oxidmetall Schwarz Transfer
Content 25 leaf (€0.79 * / 1 leaf)
€19.75 *
Bottle Dropping bottle 30ml
From €0.70 * €0.95 *
Gilding wax gold ART METAL Gold-plating wax
Content 1 piece(s)
€11.84 *
Agate polishing stone repair Agate Repair Service
Content 1 piece(s)
From €12.95 *